今年国际民主日的主题重点关注人工智能作为促进良好治理工具的重要性。 秘书长安东尼奥•古特雷斯在为国际民主日发表的致辞中指出,人工智能 ...
Meditation is an ancient practice that involves focusing one’s attention on the present moment. Rooted in religious, yogic, and secular traditions across cultures, meditation has been practiced ...
Innovation and technology have revolutionized forest monitoring, enabling countries to track and report on their forests more effectively. A total of 13.7 billion tons of carbon dioxide forest ...
لما كان الاعتراف بالكرامة المتأصلة في جميع أعضاء الأسرة البشرية وبحقوقهم المتساوية الثابتة هو أساس الحرية ...
Human rights are under assault [...] This year’s theme reminds us that human rights are about building the future — right now [...] We must stand up for all rights — always." UN Secretary ...
تلعب خدمات الصرف الصحي الآمنة والسليمة دورا أساسيا في حياتنا، إلا أن النزاعات وتغير المناخ والكوارث ...
Global leaders, private sector, civil society and technical community unite for comprehensive digital governance, strengthening the Global Digital Compact and declaring the Riyadh IGF Messages ...
On 19 December 2024, the UN General Assembly has adopted resolution A/79/L.49, Graduation of Cambodia and Senegal from the least developed country category. The two countries will graduate from ...
"Multilateralism is not an option but a necessity as we build back a better world with more equality and resilience, and a more sustainable world." - Secretary-General António Guterres ...
18 December 2024 - On 17 December, UN DESA hosted an innovative Global Policy Dialogue titled "Making the SDGs Work for and with Persons with Disabilities." This hybrid event was held at the SDG ...
Los grandes felinos son esquivos, pero el leopardo de las nieves lo es especialmente. Los lugareños que viven junto a los leopardos a menudo se refieren a ellos como los "fantasmas de las ...
El Programa de la ONU para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) ha nombrado al célebre músico y activista ambiental argentino Charly Alberti como su primer Embajador Regional de Buena Voluntad para ...