Ages 2+ | In a magical adaptation of Ted Prior’s beloved picture books, Grug and the Rainbow sees our grassy little friend embark on an epic adventure to bask in the colours of the illusive rainbow.
Prices correct at the time of publication and subject to change without notice. Exact prices will be displayed with seat selection. Children aged 15 years and under must be accompanied at all times.
*Adults must book a ticket for themselves as well as their child/ren attending. Prices are correct at the time of publication and subject to change without notice. Exact prices will be displayed with ...
At the Sydney Opera House, we believe that art and culture is a catalyst to drive positive change. As a global icon, we have an important role to play when it comes to building a better, more ...
Prices correct at the time of publication and subject to change without notice. Exact prices will be displayed with seat selection. Young people under the age of 15 must be accompanied at all times.
Prices correct at the time of publication and subject to change without notice. Exact prices will be displayed with seat selection. Young people under the age of 15 must be accompanied at all times.
Babies Babes in arms under 1 year are admitted free and do not require a ticket. $0 This is an event designed for babies and young children – all people, adult and children require a ticket. Babes in ...
Australia’s national opera company was born when a band of idealists — butchers, pharmacists, newsagents — gave up their day jobs to celebrate the 1956 Mozart bicentenary with a season of four operas.
Go behind closed doors and experience the House from behind the scenes with this small group tour. Venture backstage through the corridors to our rehearsal spaces, into the orchestra pit before ...
With the Sydney Opera House as its backdrop and picture perfect views of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, it is not surprising that Opera Bar has become a favourite Sydney experience. Reflecting the spirit ...
Unpack the Power of STEM with Corey Tutt, Award-Winning Indigenous Educator and STEM Champion. Watch on-demand and book through DART Learning. Join Corey Tutt, the founder of DeadlyScience, as he ...