Toy Story is a CGI animated media franchise created by Pixar and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The franchise is based on the anthropomorphic concept that all toys, unknown to humans, are ...
These sport drama films begin by telling the rags to riches American Dream story of Rocky Balboa, an uneducated but kind-hearted working class Italian-American boxer working as a debt collector ...
A series of science-fiction films about the futuristic conflict between the humans led by John Connor and the Terminators that are made and controlled by Skynet, a self-aware super computer that ...
The matriarch of the family, Liu’s Rebecca is a seemingly complicated person who us in some trouble at work, but like most of the family, she’s largely a cipher, driving the plot along and saddled ...
2004 Movie"You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story." Watch in Movie Theaters on March 19th, 2004 - Buy Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Movie ...
The stuntman-turned-filmmaker who has made a name in more action movies than heist films, would be the latest director to try their hand at an ‘Ocean’s’ t ...