Il MMB Museu Marítim (Museo Marittimo) di Barcellona è dedicato alla navigazione, ai viaggi per mare e alla storia delle imbarcazioni. Il museo è ospitato in uno spazio molto suggestivo e carico di ...
The villa, located near the village of Maser, not far from Treviso, was designed by Palladio around 1550 on a commission by the brothers Daniele and Marcantonio Barbaro, members of one of the most ...
Nato nel 1945 nella cittadina di Fumel, nella Francia del sud, Jean Nouvel è considerato uno degli architetti contemporanei più influenti al mondo. Dopo essersi laureato in architettura alla École des ...
Het Nieuwe Instituut (The New Institute) in Rotterdam is a cultural institution and a museum dedicated to architecture, urban planning, design, and digital culture. The institute was founded in the ...
The Ragnarock Museet for pop, rock & ungdomskultur is a Danish museum dedicated to “pop, rock and youth culture” located in Roskilde, a town about 20 miles west of Copenhagen also known as the site of ...
The Bluecoat is a center for the contemporary arts, located in the heart of Liverpool, devoted to different forms of creativity, from visual arts to music, from dance to literature. The center is ...