I am a final year Ph.D. student in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Dr. Maxim Likhachev. My general research interests span Artificial Intelligence (AI), Perception, ...
The object of this project is to gather sensor data like accelerometer and gyroscope readings from smart devices under different conditions. We plan to analyze the collected data to characterize the ...
Important note: To simultaneously accommodate in-person and zoom office hours, students should sign up for a 15-min slot beforehand for office hours. The scheduling will be on a first-come-first-serve ...
I am a postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University. I was awarded a PhD from CMU's Machine Learning Department in December 2010. I am interested in machine learning techniques for structured ...
Advantage learning is a form of reinforcement learning similar to Q-learning except that it uses advantages rather than Q-values. For a state x and action u, the advantage for that state-action pair A ...
In this tutorial we will explore tools for analyzing functional brain imaging data, namely fMRI, however these methods can be applied to other types of neuroimaging data with the proper considerations ...
There will be four homework assignments that will have some combination of written and programming components and five online assignments. Written and online components will involve working through ...
We are using the Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) simulator, since it works on Linux, Windows, and Macs. We are trying to provide executables so you don't have to install ODE unless you want to change how ...
The first announcement came in May 2024 when Crunchy Data revealed their proprietary bridge for rewiring Postgres to route ...
Hubbard gives instructions for the 'whole track tables', that is: the timeline of trillions of years of memory Scientologists claim to have. There are supposedly ten of them. In the following I will ...
In a domain of research defined by many of the greatest challenges facing computer scientists and roboticists today, perhaps none is greater than the creation of algorithms and programming language to ...