Japanese Breakfast have announced their fourth album. For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women), the follow-up to 2021’s Jubilee ...
Drawing its name from Preliminary Materials for the Theory of a Young-Girl by the French anarchist journal Tiqqun, the LP contemplates how women are a symbol of consumerism and what it means to come ...
Nemahsis on finding her voice, reclaiming her narrative, and the lessons that shaped her debut album, Verbathim.
If there is one constant in the hardcore scene, it’s change. Norman Brannon, founding member of Texas Is the Reason, as well ...
More Artist Friendly is on the way. Following conversations with Cameron Diaz, Taylor Goldsmith of Dawes, and Vishen Lakhiani ...
For AP, whether it’s post-hardcore, pop, grunge, or an amalgam of genres — the definition of alternative is ever-expanding, and inherently inclusive. That fact is as true as ever today.
Between November 2023 and May 2024, Los Angeles’ hallowed post-hardcore outfit Touché Amoré once again shouldered the album-making process. For a band like this, it was as much a creative ...
Chase Atlantic are constantly in momentum, packing out shows and continuing to surprise everyone around them with headlong experimentalism.