On February 23, 2024, the Corporation of the Town of Atikokan was convicted of one violation under the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA), fined $50,000 plus a victim fine surcharge (VFS) of $12,500, ...
Dr. Karen Schiff, Regional Supervising Coroner, West Region, Hamilton Office, announced today that a date has been scheduled for the inquest into the death of Jordan Case. The inquest will begin at ...
Utilisation d’un pesticide qui n’est pas classé en Ontario et qui n’est pas homologué au Canada. En tant qu’exterminateur effectuant une fumigation, omission d’assurer la présence d’un autre ...
KENORA — Le gouvernement de l’Ontario investit plus de 28 millions de dollars pour soutenir la construction du nouveau Centre d’accès aux services de santé pour les Autochtones Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe ...
Nimby Wildlife & Pest Control Inc. was convicted of four violations under the Pesticides Act (PA), fined $50,000 plus a victim fine surcharge (VFS) of $12,500, and given 12 months to pay. Paul Adam ...
Using a pesticide that is not classified in Ontario and not registered for use in Canada As an exterminator performing a fumigation, failing to have one other licensed exterminator present during a ...
TORONTO – Aujourd’hui, le premier ministre Doug Ford a présenté le plan de l’Ontario pour atteindre la sécurité énergétique Amérique-Canada et stimuler la croissance économique des deux côtés de la ...
TORONTO — Today, Premier Doug Ford outlined Ontario’s plan to achieve Am-Can energy security and power economic growth on both sides of the border as part of Fortress Am-Can, a renewed strategic ...
Douglas John Lee was convicted of three violations under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), fined $24,000 plus a victim fine surcharge of $6,000 and given 60 days to begin making payments. As part of ...
Douglas John Lee a été déclaré coupable d’une infraction à la Loi sur les espèces en voie de disparition et a reçu une amende de 24 000 $, ainsi qu’une suramende compensatoire de 6 000 $, le tout ...
Later in 2025 the program will expand to include rebates for energy efficient appliances, including refrigerators and freezers (rebate levels to be determined). Generally, rebates could offset up to ...