These rays can grow to 22 inches long (55.9 centimeters) but are usually closer to 8 to 10 inches (20–25 centimeters) long. The round stingray can be found in sandy and muddy bottoms off beaches and ...
Flag rockfish can be found in waters 100 to 1,414 feet (30 to 431 meters) deep. Flag rockfish have been found on rocky reefs from Stonewall Bank, Oregon to Bahía do Sebastián Vizcaíno, Baja California ...
These shrimp only live for a year and usually die post-spawning season. Glass shrimp can be hard to spot because of their transparent coloring. Faint striping occurs on their midsection and ends at ...
These minnows will sometimes dig themselves into the sand to escape overly warm or cool water. Sheepshead minnows prefer quiet, shallow water habitats. They can be found in bays, estuaries, creeks, ...
These fish only live to around 5 years of age. Bluespotted sunfish can be found along the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico inhabiting ponds, rivers and river bends. Bluespotted sunfish are olive ...
Banded sunfish eggs are buoyant, meaning they'll float into the water column after they're laid. Banded sunfish have yellow-tan bodies with five to seven dark vertical bars. They have rounded tail ...
These snails can inhabit waters as deep as 361 feet (110 meters). These snails can be found in sandy bottom habitats in the Gulf of Mexico, eastern central Pacific Ocean and the western central ...
These salamanders create clicking and yelping sounds to communicate with other members of their species. Lesser sirens live in freshwater environments like wetlands, swamps, ponds and streams ...
Black crappies eat in the early morning between midnight and 2:00am. Exclusively found in the eastern half of the United States, black crappies live in clear water environments, ponds, lakes and ...
These jellies can sense light, smell and touch through their triangular tentacles. These jellies eat zooplankton, small invertebrates and microbes using their arms. They also have special algae in ...
Hundreds of these fish can gather in one area to spawn. They release eggs that drift and hatch to produce larvae. The larvae keep drifting and then settle in shallow habitats with algae. As predators ...