Have a question you want answered? Email it to us at [email protected]. Question: Tell me the truth. Is it really worth fly fishing in the winter? I’ve read all the magazine articles and looked at the ...
My buddies who live in Alaska have a nearly-unanimous opinion of pink salmon—they’re annoying. When it’s their year to run, they show up in huge numbers, making it tougher to sift through to catch the ...
Skunked Late one summer night in Michigan—immediately after I let Sunny out for his evening constitutional—the hypersensitive olfactory nerves in his snout sent an urgent signal to the olfactory bulb ...
Melissa Ceren is a South Carolina native who moved to Colorado and almost immediately traded her spin rod for a fly rod. She is a mental health therapist as well as a fly fishing guide. Her favorite ...
When you visit Tres Ríos Casa de Campo, you’ll experience the warmth and hospitality of a traditional Patagonia household—as well as some of the best dry fly fishing in the world.Overlooking the ...
“Door Man”- security guard, porter, enforcer of social mores and general snoop, all rolled into one. Leaf Seaburg is the door man of the Methow. A guide, a father, a steward, a good friend and a great ...
Jason Houston has worked for over 20 years photographing stories at the intersection of social and environmental issues — a job that often leaves him wandering remote locales in the developing tropics ...