But do make sure your makeup doesn’t get smudged. There’s a good girl.
The award is given every year on the feast day of St Jude Thaddeus (Patron Saint of Lost Causes), October 28, for the biggest ...
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I just like the lore side of things. I’ve never so much as picked up a brush; my nerdery tends towards a more papery direction. Or at least it used to.
Stumbled across this by accident. Clearly a labour of love. Amazed it hasn't had more views.
Just Out Of Shot (This challenge is still open) What is happening just off screen during iconic film or TV moments? By the power of Photoshop, extend the shot and let us know. Suggested by Afinkawan. ...
About 20 years I met Vince Clarke via Martyn Ware in Sheffield and told him how nice those Yazoo songs are to play on a classical guitar, "yeah, that's what I wrote them on" he said.
Yes, he bought this off of Paul Daniels. It's not as good, but it's interesting to compare.