Make some sweet cash back, or get ready to shell out a pretty penny with some of the most valuable cards from OP08 Two ...
A mystery that "One Piece" fans obsess over is the identity of Luffy D. Monkey's mother. One of these theories just might ...
Akainu might be the most deserving of an embarrassingly easy defeat and Luffy might not be the one delivering it but these 3 ...
I will be concentrating on the main characters of Jesus and Monkey D. Luffy. Messianic Expectations Versus King of the Pirates Monkey D. Luffy has one goal in life. That is to become King of the ...
Although we don't have an exact release date for season two right now, One Piece season two news was revealed at Netflix ...
Fans are eagerly awaiting the release date and time of One Piece Chapter 1136 and are eager to know where to read the manga.
A potential timeskip in One Piece post-Great War could reveal a more mature Luffy.
Food plays a prominent role in One Piece, and this is all the more true for the franchise’s main protagonist Monkey D. Luffy. Despite his skinny physique, Luffy is extremely gluttonous ...
The Luffy vs. Shanks showdown is a scenario we may never see in One Piece, but one that some fans dare to have an opinion ...