POCO launches X7 & X7 Pro with Akshay Kumar, featuring 1.5K AMOLED display, 6550mAh battery, Dimensity processors, AI cameras, and Xiaomi HyperOS 2.0. Pre-orders now open!
POCO India has announced Akshay Kumar as its brand ambassador ahead of the POCO X7 series launch, scheduled for 9 January at 5:30 PM. According to the company, Kumar’s association with the brand ...
New Delhi: POCO India has appointed Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar as its brand ambassador, a move that reflects the company's dedication to innovation and tailoring technology to the Indian youth.
The Poco X7 5G will be available starting at a price of Rs 19,999 for the base 8GB/128GB variant, with launch offers. The 8GB/256GB model is priced at a net effective Rs 21,999. Customers can ...