A second series, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal II, began airing from October 7, 2012. The show also premiered on Toonzai in North America on October 15, 2011. The story follows the young duelist Yuma Tsukumo who ...
With Astral missing, Yuma must rely on his skills alone if he wants to defeat Nistro and Dextra and save his deck and spot in the World Duel Carnival.
The heat's on when Vetrix and Dextra duel in the jungle to decide who moves on to the World Duel Carnival semifinals!
Earlier this year in February, Konami announced it would be releasing the Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection for Switch. In the latest update, it's confirmed this retro package will arrive locally on ...
What is the most expensive Yugioh card? Since releasing in 1999, some rare YuGiOh cards have taken on such a reputation that they sell for tens of thousands of dollars at auction. This guide profiles ...