There are not a lot of garden plants that you can successfully grow indoors from seed to harvest in a month or so, but ...
While most houseplants don’t need any special care in the winter, you do need to give them the basics, as you would at any other time of year: The proper light, water, and other ...
Recent cold temperatures may have some wondering about the effects on landscape plants. In general, uniformly cold ...
As cold weather sets in, we often find ourselves retreating indoors where it’s warm.
Jim Belote gave his final gift — himself — to the trees he’d always loved. He was buried without embalming, in a painted ...
As I am trying to settle into this winter I am beginning to see just how important it is to have this “break” that winter ...
Growing Tip: To use thymes and sedums as a lawn substitute you will need to add several inches of sharp gravel with the fines ...
We’ve all suffered through one of the longest stretches of miserable, bone-chilling subzero temperatures in years in the ...
If needed, extensive pruning should be done to spring-flowering trees and shrubs soon after they finish flowering. Prune ...
This is especially apparent when you look at their reproductive structures. The male structure is elongated and looks like a ...
The dormant season is a great time to sow flower seeds, establish trees and shrubs, and get started on the vegetable garden.
Garden Guy Norman Winter has been growing Solenia begonias in containers throughout his garden. The rare shared of Apricot ...