AS a new study reveals exactly how long cigarettes can shave off your life, you might be inspired to quit smoking for good. Smokers slash an average of 20 minutes off their life with every ...
Some people claim that natural detoxes may help reverse ... However, the earlier you quit smoking, the more your lungs could heal and improve in function. These and other smoking-related diseases ...
A cigarette dangling from your lip may be very ... Elsewhere, Cytisine, a pill containing natural laburnum seeds, has become available in the UK. The plant-based smoking cessation medication ...
A new study, co-led by a University of Massachusetts Amherst researcher, set out to identify the most effective strategies for helping people quit ... as a way to transition away from smoking ...
If nicotine patches or going cold turkey haven't helped you quit smoking previously, then turning to your smartwatch could be the answer. Researchers have developed a smartwatch app which ...
But what to do when one wants to quit vaping, which also involves nicotine addiction? “We also know that people who use vaping as a way to transition away from smoking are often keen to know how ...