The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has long been the launchpad for tech marvels and misfires. From game-changing innovations ...
It’s the last day of 2024 and, like most, I’m feeling all of the introspection that comes along with the closing of a chapter ...
Welcome to Streaming Rewind, a weekly breakdown of the new and noteworthy as we work to help readers wade through the absolute deluge of television series and movies in the streaming space.
Tired of Windows Media Player shenanigans? These open-source apps are a better solution, and they're completely free.
Max, AKA "the one to watch," has everything from Christmas classics to all four seasons of The O.C., and pretty much every buzzy new show your family might try to spoil for you over the holidays.
Tech’s takeover of show business has turned everything into streaming. The only recourse is to focus on the physical.
When he's not writing about laptops, Matt likes to play and watch sports. He loves to play tennis and hates the number of streaming services he has to subscribe to in order to watch the various ...
Ironic timing, and all the more reason for all Windows users to ensure that they never find themselves out of support on their PCs. A week ago, Microsoft appeared to shutdown avenues to moving to ...
Microsoft has made up its mind about Windows 10’s retirement and won’t make it easy to transition to Windows 11 PCs as well. It’s not budging from the complex ...
DVD, and 4K releases for cinephiles to own now — and to bring ballast and permanence to your moviegoing at a time when streaming windows on classic movies close just as soon as they open.