With a new year comes new resolutions. For a lot of people, those commitments include eating better, prioritizing wellness and completing unfinished tasks, among many other New Year's resolves.
SHENYANG/CHONGQING – Outside a white building in Shenyang city, elderly people, most of them with thin scarves or hoodies covering their heads to prevent sunburn, can often be seen walking along ...
Although blind people cannot see, they often still possess the brain regions that enable vision. Does this mean that blind people can dream in visual images? In some cases, they can. A 2014 study ...
Strictly Come Dancing winner Chris McCausland has said he doesn't think blind people "need inspiring", after he made history as the first blind contestant to take part in the show. "The biggest ...
Elizabeth and John Funk live on one of the narrow fingers of land in Venetian Isles, which juts east into Tampa Bay the farthest of any Pinellas development. Their street has never been flooded ...