Various announcements have confirmed five games coming to the Xbox Game Pass subscription service in January 2025.
Xbox Game Pass, with plenty of great indie games and highly-anticipated AAA titles hitting the service on day one.
Get a Switch, Xbox or PS5 for Christmas? Here are the best games to run out and play immediately for each console.
With so many high-quality releases across genres and platforms, picking out the best games of 2024 is no easy task. However, ...
不知道各位是否对购买Xbox Game Pass订阅持观望态度?小编盘点了6款最值得一玩的XGP游戏,无论是准备在假期订阅还是想犒劳自己,玩家都可以在不支付3A大作价格的情况下享受一些游戏最难忘的时刻! 《夺宝奇兵:古老之圈》 ...
So Santa brought you an Xbox Series X or S for Christmas? Great! Now, it's time to dive into some of the best games the ...
A bunch of games are leaving Xbox Game Pass at the end of 2024, so this is your last weekend to check them out.
鉴于该游戏在 Xbox 和 PC 平台的巨大成功,PlayStation 玩家一直期待着这款游戏能够登陆他们的主机平台。然而不幸的是,开发商目前没有将《潜行者 2》移植到 PS5 的计划。 在接受 Tech4Gamers 采访时,GSC Game ...