The adrenal glands are two small glands located on top of the kidneys. They produce hormones that help regulate heart rate, blood pressure, the immune system, physical stress response, and other ...
Amid this, there are various unicellular organisms which exist. These organisms have a single cell, which contaians the DNA, cytoplasm and organelles required for survival. All major life ...
Lymph nodes are small glands that filter lymph, the clear fluid that circulates through the lymphatic system. During an infection, they accumulate bacteria or dead or diseased cells and may swell.
The submandibular glands are a pair of glands situated on the floor of the mouth below the lower jaw. They are one of the three pairs of glands that produce saliva. While these glands usually function ...
A mucous cyst develops when the mouth’s salivary glands become plugged with mucus. While they’re usually temporary and painless, they can become permanent if not treated. What are mucous cysts?
zooxanthellæ are abundantly present within the cells of the digestive glands. Here then is another animal digesting intracellularly and harbouring a unicellular green alga within its tissues.