Samsung has just unveiled its new The Frame Pro TV, which finally adds the company's Neo QLED mini-LED tech to The Frame ... of the TV (including inside a cabinet), and the video is beamed in ...
However, residents also got a show of a rare celestial event — a brightly lit Venus. Social media was abuzz with questions about the bright light just under the moon. No, it isn’t a star or a comet ...
Additionally, the cabinet has given the green light to open individual pension accounts and invest surplus funds ... has received preferential treatment from the state government. Under the previous ...
The PM is expected to meet the probable newcomers before their induction into the cabinet. Senator Khalil Tahir Sindhu and Ikhtiar Wali are also believed to be under consideration for ministerial ...
The National Archives of Australia has released more than 240 cabinet papers from 2004, giving an insight into the critical decisions of then prime minister John Howard and his ministers.
President expected to introduce ordinance next week after cabinet ... its approval led to an open war of narratives between clerics supporting the registration of madressahs under the DGRE ...