In a couple of days, temperatures are expected to drastically drop. This weekend is a good time to get prepared. Richardson ...
Miami isn't just gorgeous beaches, luxurious shops, and celebrity-packed restaurants, as the city is also home to one very ...
Dreaming of a beach vacation? My guess is you’re picturing a palm tree. Fantasizing about life on a remote island? You’re ...
In Hawaii, growing roses is always a rewarding challenge to the gardener. Roses are cool climate plants that do best at ...
In my column last week, I mentioned the benefits of the chilly to cold weather we have been experiencing, but those benefits don't hold true for tropical plants. There's been little to no damage ...
After closing for just over two months for upgrades, Vancouver’s Bloedel Conservatory re-opened its doors the public Saturday ...
One of Stewart's top tips for overwintering potted plants, especially the tropical ones, is ensuring that they receive enough light. LED grow lights are essential tools for this task. Stewart's ...
Dr. Dalziel's volume is an attempt to fill this gap in our knowledge of the West African flora as a supplement to the "Flora of West Tropical Africa"recently completed by Dr. Hutchinson and himself.
Gardening tips from Clemson Cooperative Extension for protecting plants during cold snaps and freezing temperatures, which ...
When choosing plants for your containers that you intend to stay there over the winter, select plants that are zoned for two ...
With a surplus of tropical plants and other beautiful greenery, you'll likely find the Fairchild to be one of the most relaxing attractions on your to-do list. A free 45-minute narrated tram tour ...