A community X handle called Bengaluru post shared the visuals long traffic jam and wrote, “People had to leave their vehicles and walk 3 km to reach the mall. Yesterday was a traffic nightmare ...
Last week, a staggering 12-hour traffic jam on the Nairobi-Nakuru highway left motorists stranded, with some resorting to playing roadside football to pass the time. Stretching from Kimende to Flyover ...
The Pune-Mumbai expressway experienced a 12-km-long massive traffic jam, leaving thousands of vehicles stranded on the road for hours. The traffic jams were caused by the influx of tourists ...
An undated video capturing a massive traffic jam in Bengaluru's Electronic City has gone viral on social media, highlighting a road rage incident that has brought the city's traffic woes to the ...
Happy Tuesday, I think I’ve decided that the second day of the week is actually the worst one, because you always expect Monday to be rough and you realize you’ve not even made it to half way ...
Motorists and commuters using the Western Express Highway in Mumbai got stuck in traffic jams for nearly four hours on Saturday. Flyers trying to reach the city airport were among those majorly ...
Several roads in Delhi were jam-packed and long queues formed at key metro stations as huge crowds thronged to India Gate, Connaught Place and religious places across the city on New Year's Day.
The nation’s busiest spaceports are fielding record demand, spurring new efforts to develop launch sites in landlocked states and even at sea Roshan Fernandez ...
Tourists heading to Goa and Konkan for year-end celebrations are facing significant traffic challenges, according to Dainik Gomantak. The Mumbai-Goa highway has been witnessing severe congestion ...