In the Pokémon Go Legendary Flight event, the Kanto birds have returned for their Dynamax debut, but they won’t stick around ...
Learn how to defeat and catch Shadow Ho-Oh in Pokemon GO's first-ever Shadow Raid featuring Remote Raid access.
Ever wonder about how much your old Pokémon cards are worth? If you've got the cards on this list, you're sitting on a ...
With so many IPs, Nintendo has the potential to create the best Mario Kart by adding in these crossover characters.
Pokemon GO Palkia Raid winners can encounter a Shiny Palkia. The Legendary Pokemon comes as a 5-Star Raid Boss with immense ...
List of the ten best-selling Nintendo Switch video games, along with a detailed analysis of the hybrid console's huge sales ...
Niantic has finally taken the opportunity to add one of Pokemon Go players’ most-requested features in the new Ho-Oh Shadow ...
One of the most beloved Pokemon, Charizard, has some of the greatest and most popular battles in the Pokemon franchise.