The remarkable surge in the number of foreign visitors to China over the past months shows the Chinese government's 144-hour visa-free transit policy for nationals of 54 countries is a brilliant move ...
The top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) would never allow the destruction of the balance of force ...
成千上万的抗议人士于星期六 (10月5日)走上全球各大城市的街头,要求终结加沙和中东地区的流血冲突,因为以色列在巴勒斯坦飞地的战争,即将在下星期一 (10月7日)迎来一周年。
Leaked e-mails from senior officials in the State Department and Pentagon show White House ignored early warning of the ...
(原标题:Global Eyes on China|UN Adviser Selwin Hart on Mobilizing Climate Finance) ...
在加沙这片阴霾笼罩的土地上,每天仍有许多新生儿降临人间。近日,半岛电视台(Al Jazeera)采访了加沙的一名助产士努尔·穆瓦尼斯(Nour Mwanis),她讲述了巴以冲突以来她的经历与所见。 炮火之下,分娩不再只是迎接新生命的喜悦,而是伴随着泪水与痛苦。物资极度匮乏,加沙的妇女们甚至无法获得最起码的营养与健康保障。助产士们也见证了无数从死亡中降下的生命。《凤凰大参考》编译本文,管窥巴以冲突中 ...