A new publication by Hachette Partworks lets you build a 1:2 scale Dalek piece by piece. Is it worth the time and investment, though? Let's take a look.
Telos Publications present a guide to the Daleks in toy form throughout Doctor Who‘s 60 years. For many fans, a toy Dalek may have been the first piece of Doctor Who merchandise they acquired. Created ...
What are the best war games on PC? It’s a tricky question to answer since there’s been a long history of war games here in the world of PC gaming. Conceptually, it never changes, whether you ...
A Doctor Who fan from the tender age of nine, my first Doctor was Tom Baker (and I have the long scarf to prove it!) I like New Who and the classics as well as classic cars and cl ...
Though there's not been much recent news directly about the game, work on the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) remake is ongoing. That said, since we've not seen any substantial ...
The Star Wars timeline is one complicated beast. Made up of TV shows, novels, games, comics, and of course the movies, the chronology is long and twisting, with tons of important events scattered ...
A bitter and bloody war in Ukraine has devastated the country, further isolated Russia from the West and fueled economic insecurity around the world. Videos showed fireballs over a facility in ...