While far from set in stone, the traits commonly associated with your zodiac sign can help you zero in on the cat breed most compatible with your lifestyle.
Here we take a look at the life expectancy and care of this unique breed. Sphynx cats, known for their hairless appearance and playful personalities, are a striking and beloved breed. But how long ...
The craze for hairless “bully” cat kittens is leading unlicensed breeders to illegally use Instagram and Facebook to sell the animals for thousands of pounds each, an investigation has uncovered.
Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Start your Independent Premium subscription today. But a network of breeders and “middlemen” are cashing in on ...
As the world’s most recognized bald cat breed, the Sphynx stands out in a lineup. Because they have high metabolisms, active personalities, and no fur to insulate them from the cold, these cats ...
THERE’S still two more months of winter to get through, and many of us will be continuing to reach for the thermostat with some areas of the UK expected to drop to -5C this week. But it isn’t just ...