Powered by the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, the smartphone has a 50MP triple rear camera system and a 32MP selfie camera. It also packs a massive 6000mAh battery with 120W fast charging.
Arlo has announced a fire detection feature that uses AI technology to detect flames and smoke. Compatible with Arlo’s existing collection of indoor and outdoor security cameras, the new technology is ...
Get another look at gameplay, enemies you'll face, and more from Sword of the Necromancer: Resurrection in this launch trailer for the 3D remake of Sword of the Necromancer. Sword of the Necromancer: ...
A few highlights include Samsung's highly-rated 55-inch S90C OLED TV on sale for $1,099.99, this Acer Chromebook on sale for just $139, and Vizio's best-selling 75-inch 4K Fire TV on sale for an ...