The regular series follows the adventures of the five-year-old Shinnosuke "Shin" Nohara and his parents, baby sister, dog, neighbours, and friends and is set in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture.
The Pig Hoof follow and take the boat with her, Shin Chan and his friends on board. From there, Shin Chan, Masao, Nene, Kazama and Boo Chan van with Agent everywhere as their hostages.
Jump Festa 2025 took place on December 21-22, 2024, bringing news from lots of different Shonen Jump titles. This is the biggest event for the magazine, and Shueishe has held it every year since 1999.
we bet you've also grown up with Maggi and/or Top Ramen. But for once, let's keep aside the cult favourite ... If you're someone who isn't into spice then don't get thrown off by the spicy black ...
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Whether it’s summery squid casaracce tossed in a chilli, garlic, and white wine sauce, lamb shoulder with a pomegranate salad, or a moreish beef shin ragu, you’ll find something wholly unique ...
Specialty coffees, such as the White Coffee ($5.50) and the refreshing Yuzu Iced Black ($6), reflect a commitment to quality without unnecessary frills. Paired with distinctive blends like Finca Campo ...
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