Hulu next month (February 2025) plans to add 160 new TV shows and movies to its subscription Video on Demand lineup. Here’s the three most interesting new title, in my humble opinion. The Kardashians, ...
Admittedly, the subtitle is a silly misnomer, the definite article presumptuous. There is no shortage of biographies of Shakespeare, and many of them are good; an excellent one by Park Honan was ...
A recent meeting of the Fredonia Shakespeare Club was held at the home of Karin Seager Cockram in November. President Ms. Sharon Klug called the meeting to order, welcoming the 15 members who were ...
What awards has Shakespeare Theatre Company won? Shakespeare Theatre Company has won several prestigious awards, including Outstanding Non-Resident Production at the Helen Hayes Awards for Black ...
Not even an accessible biography, at that, but a systematic survey of his dramatic work ... And in this last testament of a lifetime teaching Shakespeare, Bloom has a typically extravagant point to ...
How was William Shakespeare’s work influenced by ancient Greece? Credit: ell brown. CC BY 2.0/flickr It was once believed that Shakespeare was intimately familiar with ancient Greek tragedies and ...