Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service want your thoughts about its proposed increase to council tax to make sure it “continues to provide high-quality, life-saving services to the community”.
The director of Light of Life Rescue Mission in Pittsburgh's North Side blocked off 24 hours for those many conversations in frigid temperatures, taking a break only once, for about an hour overnight.
You can have a direct impact on your community by helping those who need it most, by participating in tonight’s “Evening for Hope” Rockford Rescue Mission telethon, which can be seen from 7 p.m.
Some may call it luck or perhaps a miracle. Remarkable dash cam video shows the moment a kitten stranded along southbound Interstate-15 in Las Vegas is rescued ...
The bull moose had fallen into a lake in the Adirondacks and been in the frigid waters for about two hours before rescuers arrived and used a chain saw to free it.