If left untreated, they can reach the dentin, a layer located beneath the enamel. At this stage, the tooth becomes painful when stimulated by actions such as chewing. The cavity is now active and may ...
Trimming the incisors too short may cause pulp cavity exposure, with potential for infection of the tooth root canal. The ideal instrument for trimming is a high-speed water-cooled dental burr ...
If not treated, a hole will develop in the tooth. Once the cavity is formed, it cannot be reversed, only repaired by inserting a filling. Underneath the enamel, the dentin covers the pulp at the ...
Tooth decay, the most prevalent disease in humans, is both predictable and preventable. The earlier it is caught, the more the tooth integrity can be preserved. Since the process starts painlessly, it ...
They can produce a thin band of dentine - the layer just below the enamel - if the inner dental pulp becomes exposed, but this cannot repair a large cavity. Current treatment for tooth decay ...