近日,时尚界与商业领域传出了多则引人注目的消息。据路透社及意大利《Il Sole 24 Ore》等媒体报道,意大利奢侈品巨头普拉达集团(Prada Group)正考虑收购美国Capri集团旗下的范思哲(Versace)。此次收购若成功,两大品牌将联手扩大市场影响力,但鉴于普拉达过去在并购方面的表现并不理想,此次能否为范思哲带来新的发展机遇,仍待观察。
Celebrities are doing away with the boring black suit in favour of more playful styles, as the red carpet steps up to fill ...
Ginger is a star ingredient in men's fragrances, especially in the winter when your rotation can use a little spice. Here are ...