Pixar Animation Studios has released the trailer for its new series "Win Or Lose." Will Forte, Rosie Foss, Josh Thomson, Milan Elizabeth Ray, Rosa Salazar, Dorien Watson, Izaac Wang, Chanel ...
One consultant on the episode says the company is "asking someone to play someone they're not" by changing a character voiced by trans actress Chanel Stewart to cisgender. By Ryan Gajewski Senior ...
We finally have a trailer for Pixar’s first original TV show, Win or Lose, and it looks just as quirky and fun as first promised — which was just over four years ago. Win or Lose follows a ...
Disney and Pixar's film Hoppers, set for Spring 2026, may have toned down its environmentalist message. The film's focus shifted after Disney's notes, challenging the original intent of an ...
Ratatouille Parody coming soon!!Phineas and Ferb Parody coming soon!!I do not own the movie, every right goes to Disney and Pixar.Remy is the bestTags in des… ...