Dendrobium, the second-largest genus in the orchid family, primarily consists of epiphytic plants that grow on other plants.
Discover how plants can revive your home after the holidays. Learn from Sarah Gillespie, owner of Gillespie Florists, about the benefits and care for various plants.
Orchids are known and appreciated for their intricate, long-lasting blooms. They come in many varieties with different sizes, ...
This day of gardening talks from Penn State Master Gardeners of York County is from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. GardenWise is ...
Air plants bloom only once, their small pink, coral, purple or white flowers signaling their impending death. But no worries: ...
I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host of golden ...
The Fish and Wildlife Service originally identified water development and urbanization as the primary threats to the species.
Tracie Cady, president of Sarasota Orchid Society, said the society's annual show and sale has become "kind of a tradition" ...
Whether you're looking to enhance your gardening skills or simply enjoy a day out surrounded by beauty, Gordale has something special waiting for everyone ...
Q • The leaves of my rosemary topiary plant are getting a white fuzz on them, and the new growth looks very thin and spindly.
In Hawaii, growing roses is always a rewarding challenge to the gardener. Roses are cool climate plants that do best at ...
Decorating your home with indoor plants improves the aesthetic and can be beneficial to your health and happiness.