In this upcoming, long-awaited installment in the Metroid Prime series, Samus ‒ the galaxy's best bounty hunter ‒ is back for a new mission. The first-person action-adventure game was ...
there's no shortage of fantastic new games to keep an eye out for. Below, you'll find a roundup of some of the most exciting upcoming indie games on the horizon - all in release date order so you ...
SYNDUALITY is a new upcoming third-person shooter with PvPvE ... Eternal Strands is an upcoming third-person action-adventure game created and published by Yellow Brick Games (a team of veteran ...
We'll keep our eyes peeled for any more Animus Hub news, but if you want to hear more about future titles, you can head over to our guide on all the new games still coming out this year.
Snow Riders to the list of upcoming Game Pass additions. Xbox Game Pass: Best new games this month Say hi to the best recent Xbox Game Pass games. You'll rarely go wrong with the diverse selection ...