《 任天堂 明星大乱斗 3DS (大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ for Nintendo 3DS)》是该系列首次登陆掌机平台,于2014年9月13日首先发售了日版,10天之后的10月3日在欧美市场发售,一上市便在整个地区掀起“大乱斗”的狂潮。
Miiverse posts also appear within some popular Wii U and 3DS games, but the posts will disappear in November. Miiverse was launched in 2012 alongside the Wii U games console and could be accessed ...
suggesting that it might be an Arms 2 playtest or the return of the Miiverse. Others wondered if it might have something to ...