Gravitational lenses have been used previously to resolve individual stars in the distant Universe. Using the microlensing of ...
Observing the interactions between dark matter and so-called "dark photons" during a period after the Big Bang called the "cosmic dawn" could help shed light on the universe's most mysterious and ...
Joe MurchisonPlacerville, California Astronomers widely accept that the universe formed in theContinue reading "How can the visible universe be 46 billion light-years in radius when the universe ...
The Universe began in a burst of light nearly 14 billion years ago, but as it expanded and cooled, darkness set in. Today, while almost a trillion galaxies exist within our cosmic horizon ...
Once thought to be 8 billion years old, the star HD 110067 — famous for its six synchronized exoplanets — may be only 2.5 ...
Quasars are awe-inspiring – among the brightest objects in the Universe, behind gamma-ray bursts and supernovae. Unlike other ...
There will be light, feebly, at the end. In all its forms—visible and invisible—it saturates the universe. Light is more than a little bit inscrutable. Modern physics has sliced the stuff of ...
Large galaxies are approximately 100 thousand light-years across (a light-year ... found that our galaxy holds no special place in the universe. Galaxies observed in the Hubble Deep Field image ...