In the late 19th century, artists were going goth. Works like Vincent van Gogh’s Head of a Skeleton With a Burning Cigarette (1886), Edvard Munch’s By the Deathbed (1893) and Hugo Simberg’s The Garden ...
Graham-Goering's area of expertise is power, who held it, and how it was exercised in the late Middle Ages. She focuses particularly on France in the 14th century, a period that constitutes the ...
In this course, the art of the later Middle Ages from approximately 1300 to the 1530s will be studied from a perspective where the art works are seen as manifestations of the visual culture of the ...
More than 500 attendees, virtual and in-person, congregated at the Rome Center to learn about the largely “silent” history of early medieval Judaism in the West.
Women in modern societies live about five years longer than men. Even in extreme conditions, girls outlast boys. The so-called gender survival paradox is completed when statistics show that women tend ...