These 20 stunning types of succulents are perfect for any space. Ideal for beginners, they thrive with well-draining soil, ...
If you just can’t get enough of them, try growing some indoor begonia plants. Many stunning varieties do well indoors and ...
Euonymus are generally easy to care for as houseplants and can tolerate a little neglect. They won't be as fussy as a ...
Indoor plants can be grouped to form small gardens or distributed throughout the house ... By combining plants with decorative pots, you can achieve surprising and low-budget effects, but you can also ...
So before you give in to your black thumb and throw in the trowel (pun intended), see if any of these points might help ...
Whether foraged or bought, plastic duplicate or messy original, bringing plants into our homes is a holiday staple. I am a fan of the real thing, but allergies, small children and nibbling pets are ...
We start some seeds indoors because they require a long growing season. Eggplants, for instance, need plenty of time exposed ...
It always runs around 50 to 60 degrees F so even if your plants grow highly, their leaves will be less burnt than other LEDs. Another factor to consider is germinate seeds indoor is soil. Check our ...