The heartwarming story of a tiny dog known as "Mouse" has melted hearts online, after he was born much smaller than his three siblings. Aubree Bracknell of Fort Worth, Texas, has been documenting ...
The Super Bowl comes with many traditions, from tailgates and watch parties to the halftime show and the commercials. But ...
Heather Lende, Alaska's previous Writer Laureate, shares a poem read on a cold, dark night during a dinner with friends.
The ASPCA says spaying prevents uterine infections and decreases the incidence of breast tumors, which are malignant or ...
If you’re looking for something a little different for Valentine’s Day, Saving Paws Animal Rescue of Kentucky might just have what you’re looking for. During February, the no-kill animal shelter is ...
Mother of stray puppy freezing to death shocks vets by bringing it right to their door to save it's life in Istanbul, Turkey.
House Republicans on Thursday passed their version of a “born-alive” abortion bill one ... Its passage comes just one day before the anti-abortion March for Life in Washington on Friday.
Isles Bun & Coffee in Minneapolis serves up no-frills, homemade perfection that’s second to none! This unassuming bakery, ...
Senate Republicans failed on Wednesday to invoke cloture on a bill legislating care for infants “born alive” during attempted abortions, with the motion largely serving to get Democrats on the ...