Lennon once said that he felt the Fab Four had to fabricate themselves a bit in order to "leave Liverpool." Find out why, ...
COMMENT: The son of John Lennon was upset after late-night hosts declined to invite him onto their shows to plug his latest ...
While songwriters never really stop, John Lennon felt that these demos from the Beatles days were worth fleshing out into ...
John Lennon's love letter to The Beatles, "Now and Then," reworked and released in 2023, may win a Grammy—for Paul and Ringo, ...
Revisiting comments made by Sean Ono Lennon about the music taste of John Lennon and the one song he played "constantly while Sean was growing up.
It’s not everyday that a major music icon asks you for advice. However, that did happen to Art Garfunkel when John Lennon asked him for advice on a pretty serious matter. As the story goes ...
Julian Lennon said he was never told about Beatles projects as he wasn’t in the band’s inner circle, and revealed a ...
50 years ago, on a late-August night, standing naked out on his apartment’s balcony in Manhattan, John Lennon watched a UFO crawl by. Bozar, Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels, opens two new exhibitions ...
Singing to the crowd of thousands gathered in Times Square and the millions watching from home, the country star also ...
A mural of John Lennon featuring the words imagine peace is on the side of a gas station garage in Lincroft, New Jersey.
Sean Ono Lennon, the son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, has embarked on a remarkable journey of preserving and redefining his ...