Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan is celebrating his 5th wedding anniversary with his wife, Natasha Dalal. To mark the special occasion, the actor took to Instagram and shared a few pictures with his ...
Varun Dhawan has always been known for his on-screen chemistry and funky characters. He was recently seen sharing screen space with Keerthy Suresh in Baby John. Talking about his personal life ...
Varun Dhawan is one of the most unique actors in Bollywood, and he has shared the screen with many actresses in several films. In a recent interview, he addressed a question about whether his wife ...
Varun Dhawan opened up about having a healthy relationship with his wife and revealed that he discusses about ‘pretty girls’ with his wife. Varun Dhawan opens up about his relationship with ...
Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal are widely regarded as one of Bollywood’s most adored couples. In a recent interview, the Baby John actor opened up about his strong and healthy ...
Keerthy Suresh, who is set to make her Hindi debut alongside Varun Dhawan in Baby John, recently shared a glimpse of their off-screen camaraderie. During their time shooting in Mumbai, Varun took ...