“I heard the roar,” says Dick Wetzel, who owns the 600-cow dairy. The tornado that hit his dairy leveled the freestall barn where cows were housed. No people were hurt and damage to the cows is ...
The Charleston developer has delivered more than 4,300 units totaling over $1 billion in South Carolina over t[...] Charleston business is the market leader in business media in South Carolina. We ...
In the old, tie-stall barn cows averaged 24,000 lb. Enhancements in cow comfort, changing to three-times a day milking and nutrition improvements have all aided in the dairy going to 31,000 lb. per ...
Pfeifer Dairy calf barn The calf and heifer barn, the newest of facilities at Pfeifer Dairy, in Bucyrus, Ohio, was completed in early 2016 and can house over 250 head.