Lutron Electronics announced on Monday the incorporation of DIY smart window shade products into its Caséta smart lighting brand. Drawn from Lutron’s Serena smart shade product line ...
If there’s an evidence of performance that is reliably and publicly visible, people begin to take notice. Predictability works for this reason. A product with a specific rate of return, delivered over ...
Changing your home's lighting is a wonderful way to go subtle or bold and change not only the look of your home but also its atmosphere. Lighting is more than a way to see where you are going: It can ...
Around 40 people attended the community lighting for the first night of Hanukkah, which fell this year on the same day as Christmas. They gathered in the snow around the glowing blue electric ...
The first thing to consider is what type of basement you have. If it’s a rough, unfinished basement that functions primarily as a storage or workshop space, then you’ll probably want a light ...