Officers from the Netanya Police Station set out on Monday evening after receiving a report of a civilian standing in his vehicle which was stuck in a flood near the local soccer stadium.
PORTLAND, Ore. — The search-and-rescue team with the Skamania County Sheriff's Office is facing a significant setback. Thieves stole equipment while crews were out recovering the bodies of two ...
Editor's note: Through an online fundraiser, community members donated over $73,000 to the search-and-rescue team, allowing them to replace all the stolen equipment. The search-and-rescue team ...
(KPTV) - The Skamania County Sheriff’s Office’s search and rescue team was targeted by ... stole nearly everything not bolted down in the equipment trailers. The sheriff’s office says ...
A hotel understood to be housing "asylum seekers" in Manchester has been evacuated after a day of heavy rain and flooding in the region. The area surrounding the Britannia Country House Hotel in ...