Rahul Gandhi said BJP has been trying to distract from the issues since the session began and Congress had always said that the ruling party's thought process was "anti-constitutional and ...
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of UNIQLO, the Japanese clothing retailer will reissue some of its most popular products from past collaborations including Engineered Garments, LEMAIRE and Jil ...
But now, scientists at UC San Francisco may have found a more precise way to dial it down. The technology uses engineered T cells that act as immune “referees” to soothe overreacting immune responses.
But the costs of engineered carbon removals – which rely on human-made technologies rather than nature-based solutions – could be prohibitive at the scale currently envisaged in many countries’ net ...
Of course a lot of this capability is available commercially. I have a number of off-the-shelf cheap zigbee and Z-Wave sensors scattered around my own basement monitoring temperature and dampness ...
Breakthrough directed evolution system boosts virus-like particles for safer, more efficient gene editing, offering a powerful tool for next-generation therapeutic innovations. Study: Directed ...
School of Chemical Engineering and Light Industry, School of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China ...