Players compete in various mini-games reminiscent of the show, such as “Red Light, Green Light” and bridge challenges, in a lighter, party-game format. Grand Theft Auto trilogy GTA trilogy is the ...
Many still suspect that a new trailer will drop in early 2025, as previous marketing campaigns typically started 6 to 9 months before release. Although there is little new information about GTA 6 ...
Grand Theft Auto publisher Take-Two Interactive still hasn't revealed the GTA 6 release date, and other publishers are reportedly refusing to commit to 2025 until they know they can avoid it.
For a specific group of die-hard fans of the franchise, it may have reached a boiling point with the emergence of a new conspiracy theory predicting the premiere of the second trailer for GTA 6.
Samsung recently launched the One UI 7 beta for Galaxy S24 phones, and one of the features it brought is loudness normalization. The feature prevents sound from becoming too loud all of a sudden, or ...
That said, are you excited about the GTA 6’s roster growing even further? Let us know in the comments below. Ash is a gaming and esports writer/editor with a rich background in the industry since 2017 ...