Players compete in various mini-games reminiscent of the show, such as “Red Light, Green Light” and bridge challenges, in a lighter, party-game format. Grand Theft Auto trilogy GTA trilogy is the ...
Grand Theft Auto publisher Take-Two Interactive still hasn't revealed the GTA 6 release date, and other publishers are reportedly refusing to commit to 2025 until they know they can avoid it.
For a specific group of die-hard fans of the franchise, it may have reached a boiling point with the emergence of a new conspiracy theory predicting the premiere of the second trailer for GTA 6.
Grand Theft Auto VI, better known as GTA 6, is arguably one of the most anticipated games of all time, making its upcoming release date window, the long wait for a new trailer, and even extra news ...
December 19, 2024: We checked for the latest GTA 6 release date news. When is GTA 6 coming out? Given how many years it takes to create open worlds of the same caliber as GTA 5, it’s no surprise ...
That said, are you excited about the GTA 6’s roster growing even further? Let us know in the comments below. Ash is a gaming and esports writer/editor with a rich background in the industry since 2017 ...