Don't miss these great winter discounts, freebies, and holiday-themed in-game events from the likes of Gran Turismo 7, ...
各位网友晚上好,来 游侠晚报 看看今天有哪些值得关注的游戏资讯吧~ 1、《GTA6》新预告将至?R星官网代码更新:可信度再+1 ...
2025 should be a good year for video games, with several entries for well-known franchises as well as entirely new titles ...
GTA Online’s new Gun Van is finally here and it contains some of the best weapons in the game. Here’s what you need to know about it and the Gun Van’s location today. While plenty of Grand ...
「 点击上方"GameLook",订阅微信 」图片来源:Pixabay2024年来到了最后一站。外媒Gamediscover对主机和PC(Steam)平台的畅销游戏进行了统计。与之前不同的是,此次榜单对Steam平台进行了销量和收入分别统计排名,而对 ...
The PC scene never rests as games are always launching on Steam. Here is every upcoming major PC game set to debut in 2024, ...
Indeed, Baynes has said as much, explaining that the game is “going back to the roots of what fans love about the franchise”, that it will “craft a deep, linear narrative”, and that Hangar 13 will be ...
今日,《燕云十六声》PC版正式发布,这是一款武侠RPG游戏。玩家能够利用其捏脸功能创造独具特色的主角角色。游戏中不仅提供了常规的细致面部定制,还引入了智能捏脸技术。通过录制声音或上传人脸照片,系统能根据输入生成相应的外观特征。玩家们还能分享自己的创作 ...
年末了,要说今年最让陀螺印象深刻的一番话,还得是今年8月在科隆时,天美《三角洲行动》主创说过的那句——“不做PC这游戏就死了”。 后来产品上线了,事实也证明,PC端果然成为了这款游戏的一个重 ...
距离上一部在主机平台上发售的《死神》游戏,还得追溯回2011年PS3平台上的《BLEACH 灵魂燃烧》。在经过漫长的一个世代后,随着千年血战篇动画的热播。《死神》的新主机游戏终于是要来了。