More than a quarter of all Colorado River water is used to grow alfalfa — more water than is used for 40 million people’s drinking water, business needs and industrial uses combined, according to an ...
Although there's no shortage of great veggies and greens you can grow for your salad at home, one that often gets overlooked is alfalfa sprouts. Alfalfa sprouts can be eaten raw but can also be ...
The Imperial Valley, a vast stretch of fertile land nestled in the southeastern corner of California, is renowned for its ...
With agricultural overuse and drought draining aquifers across Arizona, the state’s chief law enforcement officer is suing ...
Attorney General Kris Mayes is going to court with a largely untested legal theory to force a Saudi company to stop ...
Adding up to be the nation’s third most value crop as an $8.7 billion industry per year, alfalfa is a common sight on many dairies because of its nutrient profile.
Attorney General Kris Mayes announced a lawsuit last week against Fondomonte Arizona, LLC, a Saudia-owned company that had leased Arizona farmland.
Alfalfa protein concentrate market is expected to be valued at ~US$ 193 Mn in 2020, which is projected to rise at a CAGR of ~7%, to reach US$ 375 Mn by 2030 ...
More than a quarter of all Colorado River water is used to grow alfalfa — more water than is used for 40 million people’s drinking water, business needs and industrial uses combined ...